Prisons and libraries constitute an example of “heterotopia” (Foucault), a term that designates an “other” space connected to the remaining social spaces in a mirror-like manner in ways that suspend, neutralize, invert the set of relationships designated or reflected by them. As part of this action, training activities will be carried out in favor of communities with reduced mobility such as prisons or recovery communities to build a productive and inclusive dialogue and, more generally, to use cultural and training activities as a means of reintegration, inclusion and rehabilitation. Sharing linguistic and cultural skills with people with limited accessibility to training opportunities capable of contributing to the construction of a fairer society constitutes the primary objective of this project, aimed at facilitating the reintegration of people currently (but only temporarily) excluded from society. In collaboration with associations and entities that already operate in the structures, it is intended to create linguistic, cultural (meetings and/or reading workshops, film analysis…) and IT training courses aimed at facilitating the sharing of culture and knowledge conceived as a bridge for the inclusion of people.
The activities will be consistent with the objectives of inclusiveness and accessibility indicated in the Excellence Project and with the scientific and teaching areas developed within the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures.
Team leaders: Paola Perazzolo; Luca Salvi
Internal members:
- Stefano Aloe
- Chiara Battisti
- Stefano Genetti
- Stefano Neri
- Annalisa Pes
- Sabrina Piccinin