Month: October 2024

Creation of tutoring services for students attending the University of Verona’s Courses of Study

The university courses are based on teaching models, practices and procedures that are very different from those of high school. Some students may feel uncertain in a new educational environment. Sometimes, even students already enrolled may need to rethink their choice after they have actually started their university career. The aim of this action is to create tutoring services for our students, in order to (a) share virtuous and inclusive practices; (b) remove obstacles to successful course attendance, and (c) facilitate the completion of the course of study, fostering inclusiveness, and reducing drop-out rates. 

Group leaders: Sidia Fiorato; Michele Mannoni 

Internal members: 

  • Manuel Boschiero 
  • Anna Giust 
  • Gabriella Pelloni 
  • Paola Perazzolo 
  • Stefan Rabanus 
  • Luca Salvi 
  • Emanuel Stelzer 

External members: 

  • Francesco Faresin 

Change of the MA Degree in Languages for Tourism and Business Communication (LM38)

The action involves the modification of the structure of the MA Degree in Languages for Tourism and Business Communication. It is divided into two main actions. The first concerns the strengthening of the curricular language offering with the introduction in the second year of the teaching of Varieties of Chinese 2, in line with the two-year teaching of all the other languages. The second line of action envisages the creation of a new curriculum with a focus on multilingualism and interculture in the field of marketing, to be added to the two existing curricula (‘International Business Relations’ and ‘Tourism Promotion’) and aimed at the creation of double degree agreements with foreign universities. Given its internationalized character, the new curriculum proposes a package of courses delivered in English for a total of 30 CFU. The new curriculum is scheduled to come into force in the academic year 2024-2025. 

The action will then continue with the aim of realising double degree agreements with foreign universities. 

Group leader: Barbara Bisetto 

Internal members: 

  • Chiara Battisti 
  • Matteo De Beni 
  • Roberta Facchinetti 

External members: 

  • Fabio Cassia 
  • Vania Vigolo 

Narrating Nigeria Through Food

La Dott.ssa Aminat Emma Badmus in cattedra per il food talk, di fronte ad una gremita platea di udenti.

On Tuesday, October 15, the second “Food Talk” took place. This is a series of meetings curated by Professors Chiara Battisti and Sidia Fiorato, aimed at exploring the role of food and the culinary traditions of different cultures in world literature. The presentation, titled ” Narrating Nigeria Through Food: A Culinary Journey Through Representations in Ethnic Cuisine and Literary Depictions,” featured Dr. Aminat Emma Badmus from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

During the event, the discussion focused on how Nigerian female authors, through novels and short stories, tackle important themes such as gender, identity, culture, and migration, using food preparation and consumption as a metaphor and space for representation.

The event concluded with an aperitif featuring typical Nigerian dishes, offering participants the chance to personally taste the flavours of this cuisine and discuss the differences and similarities with Italian food culture.

Internationalization of LM-37 Languages, Literatures and Digital Culture, with new opportunity to obtain a double degree with a foreign university

 This action aims at expanding the internationalization of the LM-37 in Languages, Literatures and Digital Culture, with regard, in particular, to the Digital Culture curriculum.  

The aim is to initiate a Double Degree with the Master’s Degree in Linguistique appliquée of the Université Grenoble Alpes (France), destined to Univr students having French and English as their curricular languages. This agreement will allow for in-depth study of linguistics and digital tools applied to language studies, also with regard to inclusion. 

The action is divided into three phases. The first phase (2023) includes preliminary work and the stipulation of the agreement. Deliverable: Stipulation of the Double Degree agreement. 

The second phase (2024/2025/2026) involves the launch of the Double Degree with the first incoming mobility exchange in A.Y. 2024/2025 and the first outgoing exchange in A.Y. 2025/2026. Deliverable: Launch of the Double Degree program. 

The third phase (2027/2028) consists of monitoring these first experiences, with possible adjustments, and continuing the program. Deliverables: Monitoring and continuation of the Double Degree. 

Group leader: Maria Francesca Bonadonna 

Internal members: 

  • Chiara Battisti 
  • Barbara Bisetto 
  • Matteo De Beni 
  • Roberta Facchinetti 
  • Annalisa Pes 

PhD scholarships dedicated to research projects of the PoE

Highly qualified teaching activities (third cycle). The two PhD programmes hosted by the Department (DiLLS) will link up with the second-cycle programmes, consolidating their thematic initiatives, expanding the teaching programme in the direction of inclusion and providing additional scholarships dedicated to the research projects of the Project of Excellence (PoE) of the Department, in line with what was already successfully implemented in the previous PoE. There will also be regular and monitored interaction between the different levels of teaching and the research activity of the DiLLS. The presence of foreign scholars of great renown with whom the DiLLS collaborates will further contribute to the internationalization of the teaching programme. 

Group leadersStefan Rabanus; Andrea Zinato 

Internal members: 

  • Lisanna Calvi 
  • Anna Cappellotto 
  • Giovanni Tallarico 

External members: 

  • Birgit Alber 
  • Mariana González Zambón (PdE)
  • Enrica Zaninotto (PdE)
  • Angelica Zordan (PdE)


PhD Programme in Foreign Languages and Literatures: 

PhD Programme in Linguistics: