The university courses are based on teaching models, practices and procedures that are very different from those of high school. Some students may feel uncertain in a new educational environment. Sometimes, even students already enrolled may need to rethink their choice after they have actually started their university career. The aim of this action is to create tutoring services for our students, in order to (a) share virtuous and inclusive practices; (b) remove obstacles to successful course attendance, and (c) facilitate the completion of the course of study, fostering inclusiveness, and reducing drop-out rates.
Group leaders: Sidia Fiorato; Michele Mannoni
Internal members:
- Manuel Boschiero
- Anna Giust
- Gabriella Pelloni
- Paola Perazzolo
- Stefan Rabanus
- Luca Salvi
- Emanuel Stelzer
External members:
- Francesco Faresin