PhD scholarships dedicated to research projects of the PoE

Highly qualified teaching activities (third cycle). The two PhD programmes hosted by the Department (DiLLS) will link up with the second-cycle programmes, consolidating their thematic initiatives, expanding the teaching programme in the direction of inclusion and providing additional scholarships dedicated to the research projects of the Project of Excellence (PoE) of the Department, in line with what was already successfully implemented in the previous PoE. There will also be regular and monitored interaction between the different levels of teaching and the research activity of the DiLLS. The presence of foreign scholars of great renown with whom the DiLLS collaborates will further contribute to the internationalization of the teaching programme. 

Group leadersStefan Rabanus; Andrea Zinato 

Internal members: 

  • Lisanna Calvi 
  • Anna Cappellotto 
  • Giovanni Tallarico 

External members: 

  • Birgit Alber 
  • Mariana González Zambón (PdE)
  • Enrica Zaninotto (PdE)
  • Angelica Zordan (PdE)


PhD Programme in Foreign Languages and Literatures: 

PhD Programme in Linguistics: