Month: October 2024

Organisation of post-graduate and lifelong learning courses for external users with a focus on accessibility

The main objective of the activities that are proposed in the context of lifelong learning and post-graduate courses is to create an effective link between academic training and entry into the world of work, but also to encourage mobility and professional reintegration to allow participants to land on new careers, open up to new job opportunities and improve their flexibility. In particular, for the different languages and cultures involved (French, Russian, Spanish, German and Chinese) proposals for lifelong learning activities will be developed with different targets, which will be identified on the basis of the specific needs of the linguistic-cultural areas for which the action is planned. The focus may be international trade and tourism, but also − where appropriate − the publishing industry, the third sector, and the world of mediation. With this in mind, partnerships and collaborations will be sought with trade associations and local bodies. Particular attention will be paid to accessibility and inclusion in their broadest sense: through lifelong learning activities, the aim will be to break down communication and/or cultural barriers that undermine full access to job opportunities and participation in social life. All the activities that will be proposed are part of a consolidated tradition of lifelong learning courses for professional communication that have already been activated with good success in the context of university post-graduate training. 

Group leader: Sabrina Bertollo 

Internal members: 

  • Chiara Battisti 
  • Stefano Bazzaco 
  • Barbara Bisetto 
  • Anna Bognolo 
  • Sara D’Attoma 
  • Giorgia Pomarolli  
  • Giovanni Tallarico 

Training activities for future teachers of foreign Language, Literature and Culture from an inclusive perspective within the LM37

 This part of the project  is intended to propose training initiatives for future teachers of Foreign Language, Literature and Culture within the LM-37 in Languages, Literatures and Digital Culture, with particular reference to the Languages and Literatures curriculum. 

This action is part of the Teaching Lab, designed to train LM-37 students in the teaching of foreign language, literature and culture in secondary school. Starting from the current experience, we aim to expand the training to skills and knowledge related to inclusion and accessibility, for future applications in the context of teaching at school.  

The action includes two phases. The first phase (2023-2024) involves monitoring current experiences and identifying interventions to be developed to increase the themes of inclusion and accessibility in the training of future teachers. Deliverables: Identification and collection of actions from the different language groups in the Teaching Lab. 

The second phase (2025) involves the experimentation of the actions previously developed in the Teaching Lab. Deliverables: Classroom experimentation and collection of results. 

The projects continues by examining the results collected and proposing possible adjustments to develop the theme of inclusion and accessibility in the training of future teachers. Deliverables: Implementation of teaching proposals within the Teaching Lab on the theme of inclusion and accessibility. 

Group leader: Maria Francesca Bonadonna 

Internal members: 

  • Stefano Aloe 
  • Daniele Artoni 
  • Chiara Battisti 
  • Sabrina Bertollo 
  • Sibilla Cantarini 
  • Laura Colombo 
  • Francesca Dalle Pezze 
  • Sidia Fiorato 
  • Stefano Genetti 
  • Gabriella Pelloni 
  • Paola Vettorel 
  • Federica Zoppi 

External members: 

  • Elisa Destro 

Creating an Accessible and Inclusive Testing Model for Assessing Foreign Language Proficiency in Higher Education Contexts

The action, realized with the participation of the GIAM research group, aims to develop and test an accessible and inclusive model for assessing language proficiency that can be useful for the language certification required at HE level. This model, designed according to the combined use of educational assessment strategies, various formative and summative assessment approaches together with the integration of diverse and specific technological tools (in line with the UDL principles), will be able to respond to the increasingly urgent need to design inclusive and accessible test for language proficiency. 

Results expected at the end of the five-year period: accessible and inclusive model for foreign languages testing that can be used in University Language Centers (CLA).  

Process that allows to lead to these results: following the results of the teaching experiment of the GIAM project, we will proceed with the design (phase 1), experimentation and validation of an inclusive model of testing (phase 2); dissemination of the results with the scientific community (phase 3).  

Innovative aspects: the project intends to apply the innovative studies on inclusive and accessible teaching and the experimental activity of the GIAM research group to the definition of a model which can be concretely adopted by University Language Centers in the language proficiency assessment, by combining new technologies and teaching strategies for the assessment of knowledge.  

Team leaders: Sabrina Piccinin; Giorgia Pomarolli 

Internal members: 

  • Daniele Artoni 
  • Manuel Boschiero 
  • Sabrina Bertollo 
  • Serena Dal Maso 
  • Sharon Hartle 

External members: 

  • Benedetta Binacchi 
  • Mariana González Zambon 
  • Emanuela Tenca 

Organization of linguistic, cultural, and multimedia skills training activities for communities with reduced mobility

Prisons and libraries constitute an example of “heterotopia” (Foucault), a term that designates an “other” space connected to the remaining social spaces in a mirror-like manner in ways that suspend, neutralize, invert the set of relationships designated or reflected by them. As part of this action, training activities will be carried out in favor of communities with reduced mobility such as prisons or recovery communities to build a productive and inclusive dialogue and, more generally, to use cultural and training activities as a means of reintegration, inclusion and rehabilitation. Sharing linguistic and cultural skills with people with limited accessibility to training opportunities capable of contributing to the construction of a fairer society constitutes the primary objective of this project, aimed at facilitating the reintegration of people currently (but only temporarily) excluded from society. In collaboration with associations and entities that already operate in the structures, it is intended to create linguistic, cultural (meetings and/or reading workshops, film analysis…) and IT training courses aimed at facilitating the sharing of culture and knowledge conceived as a bridge for the inclusion of people. 

The activities will be consistent with the objectives of inclusiveness and accessibility indicated in the Excellence Project and with the scientific and teaching areas developed within the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures. 

Team leaders: Paola Perazzolo; Luca Salvi  

Internal members: 

  • Stefano Aloe 
  • Chiara Battisti 
  • Stefano Genetti 
  • Stefano Neri 
  • Annalisa Pes 
  • Sabrina Piccinin 

International cooperation with universities of economically and geo-politically disadvantaged areas

Through this action we will create strategic partnerships and networks with academic institutions and GLAMs located in developing countries. We will also foster the creation of joint initiatives for teaching and scientific research. Along with the signing of cooperation agreements, we will organize teaching and training activities, e.g. workshops delivered partly online and partly in presence. These activities will target students at various levels of academic education, and they will cover our areas of expertise, such as foreign languages and literatures and Digital Humanities. To this end, over the run time of the project we will also promote incoming and outgoing mobility for students, researchers and professors. For mobility purposes, we will also take advantage of a line of initiatives already supported by our University ( This project fits into the context of sustainable development, as outlined in the UN 2030 Agenda, especially at goal 4: “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” (  

Group leader: Anna Cappellotto 

Internal Members: 

  • Stefano Bazzaco 
  • Maria Adele Cipolla 
  • Stefan Rabanus 
  • Rosa María Rodríguez Abella 

Organisation of dissemination activities and summer schools addressed to citizens and secondary school students on inclusion issues

In an ever-changing world, anyone can easily get lost. This is especially true for younger students, particularly when they are to make a decision that will have a long-lasting impact on their lives such as choosing the university where they will pursue higher studies. For many of them, this is a stressful choice, which in the absence of the right tools to orient themselves may end up being made script unseen. The aim of this WP is to prepare actions that provide guidance to incoming high school students in order to give them the necessary tools to orient themselves. Special attention will be devoted to inclusive and accessible orientation techniques that enable everyone, regardless of the differences that make us unique, to make informed choices. Orientation actions falling under this part of the project not only supports choice processes, but they also aim at developing full awareness in students, fostering their employment and social inclusion. By means of specific actions, the Department will strengthen its bridges with prospective students and the general public, enabling non-academics to learn more about the university. 

Group leaders: Michele Mannoni; Paola Perazzolo 

Internal members: 

  • Anna Giust 
  • Gabriella Pelloni 
  • Sabrina Piccinin 
  • Stefan Rabanus 
  • Luca Salvi 
  • Emanuel Stelzer 

External members: 

  • Francesco Faresin 


AlpiLink project: 

Corsi di Orientamento “Scoperta”: 

Spring School “Sfaccettature Linguistiche e Letterarie: i Sentieri della Diversità” (18-20.03.2024):