Month: July 2024

Representations of Otherness, Diversity, and Marginality in Contemporary European and Non-European Literatures

Phenomena of social inequality and cultural exclusion, as well as forms of restrictions to the citizenship status and the consequent populist drifts deprived of any real political and cultural orientation, are effects of the complex power dynamics that, in this age of ours marked by an ever-increasing mobility, are exercised by global capitalism on the one hand, and, on the other, by current sovereigntist and nationalist movements. This research project addresses these pressing issues, which constitute crucially decisive challenges for our societies today, by analyzing representations of otherness, diversity, and marginality in contemporary European and non-European literatures. The goal of this investigation is to explore the different cultural trends characterizing our societies, with the aim of:

  • delving into their plural constitution,
  • highlighting the current dynamics of cultural, social, linguistic, and ethnic processes of  exclusion and inclusion, in connection with the ways in which they are perceived in an increasingly globalised world, and finally
  • outlining new modes of representation, new imaginaries and new spaces for action for those subjectivities that dwell in the cultural and political margins of our times. 

The project embraces an interdisciplinary perspective based on a convergence between postcolonial studies, categories and concepts developed by biopolitics, most recent researches on transnationalism, transculturalism and globalisation, as well as on the acquisitions developed by migration studies. The originality of the results will be guaranteed by:

  1. a focus on new literary trends, which nonetheless will make use, where necessary, of a diachronic approach aimed at highlighting the historical evolution of phenomena;
  2. the aim of carrying out a cohesive and transnational discourse on the European and non-European literature centered on the themes of otherness/marginality/diversity;
  3. the objective of broadening the methodological and theoretical framework espoused by the research project, by comparing the approaches adopted in the various linguistic and cultural contexts tackled by the researchers participating in it.

Group leader: Gabriella Pelloni

Internal members:

  • Daniele Artoni
  • Manuel Boschiero 
  • Martina Brufani 
  • Elisa Destro 
  • Davide Di Maio 
  • Lídia Carol Geronès 
  • Annalisa Pes 
  • Lara Righi 
  • Luca Salvi 
  • Isolde Schiffermüller 
  • Sara Trentini 
  • Andrea Zinato 
  • Susanna Zinato 

External members: 

  • Alessandro Achilli (Cagliari) 
  • Edoardo Balletta (Bologna) 
  • Paola Bellomi (Siena) 
  • Ugo Fracassa (Roma 3) 
  • Marika Piva (Padova) 
  • Marco Puleri (Bologna) 

Actions:  WP 1.1; WP 1.2 


Appadurai, Arjun (1996): Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.  

Epstein, Mikhail (2009), Transculture: A Broad Way Between Globalism and Multiculturalism, American Journal of Economics and Sociology 68(1), p. 327-351. 

Esposito, Roberto (2006): Communitas. Origine e destino della comunità. Torino: Einaudi (nuova edizione ampliata). 

The Notion of “Subject” as the Cornerstone for the Creation of a Metagrammatical Terminological Map

The project aims to investigate the notion of “subject” and its various definitions in light of morphological, syntactic, and semantic properties.

The project involves studying the concept of “subject” in linguistic corpora and in traditional manuals/grammars, with the goal of building a network of connections within the field of metalinguistic terminology and facilitating the creation of a reference conceptual map.

Group leader: Alessandra Tomaselli

Internal members:

  • Sabrina Bertollo
  • Sibilla Cantarini
  • Andrea Padovan
  • Stefan Rabanus


Audiovisual Accessibility and Inclusion in the University Setting

The main objective of the project is to identify strategies that can facilitate access to audiovisual content for deaf and blind people. To this end, a series of questionnaires are planned to clarify the needs, especially in the audiovisual field, that groups of people with hearing and visual disabilities may have in various social contexts: universities, cinemas, theaters, musicals, operas, etc.

Group leader: Rosa María Rodríguez Abella

External members:

  • Luisa Chierichetti (University of Bergamo)
  • Juan Pedro Rica Peromingo (Complutense University of Madrid)
  • Maria Cristina Secci (University of Cagliari)


Accessibility, Inclusion, and Metalinguistic Reflection in the Hispanic Context

The project aims, first of all, to create a corpus of metalinguistic works published between the 19th and 20th centuries, focusing on bilingual dictionaries, manuals, and educational guides for teaching Spanish, especially as a foreign or second language. Materials aimed at marginalized or excluded groups, such as Indigenous American communities, Italian migrants, and deaf people, will be selected.
Secondly, the project includes conducting a qualitative study on the collected educational materials to identify the metalinguistic notions and strategies employed, as well as the implicit glottodidactic conceptions in the texts. The analysis of metalinguistic notions will involve an in-depth study of the terminology used, the grammatical approach adopted, and the authors’ conceptions regarding the language and its contexts of use.

Group leader: Francesca Dalle Pezze

Internal members:

  • Franklin Yessid Arias Bedoya (postdoctoral researcher)
  • Matteo De Beni
  • Renzo Miotti
  • Elisa Sartor

External members:

  • Dunia Hourani Martín (University of Málaga)


Extraction of Metalinguistic Notions from Textbooks for Teaching Russian as a Foreign and Heritage Language”

The project aims to create a corpus of Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL) textbooks to enable the identification and extraction of metalinguistic notions. These definitions will be used to develop guidelines for teaching metalinguistic concepts, which will also meet the needs of learners who speak Russian as a heritage language.

Referente: Giorgia Pomarolli

Membri interni:

  •  Daniele Artoni
  • Tania Triberio (postdoctoral researcher)

Membri esterni:

  • Diana Lyadskaya (Università di Trento)
  • Linda Torresin (Università di Padova)

Communicating Specialist Content in English: ‘Inclusive Discourse in Sport and Wellbeing'”

The project aims to explore the linguistic strategies and methods used to communicate social, educational, and training topics related to sport and wellbeing in English. It involves creating a corpus of texts, including both written and oral educational material on sports and wellbeing, which will be analyzed using corpus linguistics tools and methodologies such as discourse analysis, conceptual metaphor theory, and framework analysis.
As part of the analysis, guidelines for best practices will be developed to ensure that specialist ideas and concepts are communicated in an accessible way to all, taking into account different types of audiences.

Group leader: Roberta Facchinetti

Internal members:

  • Claudio Bendazzoli
  • Sara Corrizzato
  • Carlotta Fiammenghi
  • Valeria Franceschi
  • Sharon Hartle
  • Maria Ivana Lorenzetti
  • Gloria Mambelli (Postdoctoral researcher)
  • Anna Zanfei

External members:

  • Yang Mei Mei (Ningbo University, China)