Month: March 2024

Course “Introduction to Audiovisual Translation (TAV)”

The free course Introducción a la traducción audiovisual (TAV): Modalidades tradicionales y accesibilidad a los medios (Introduction to Audiovisual Translation: Traditional Modalities and Media Accessibility), held on 12-15 March, 2024, in the Aula Co-working, attracted over seventy participants from both Italy and abroad.

Taught by Juan Pedro Rica Peromingo from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, the course provided participants with an understanding of key linguistic, cultural, and technical considerations when translating audio-visual content. It covered both traditional TAV modalities (dubbing and subtitles for hearing audiences) and those focused on linguistic accessibility, such as subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing, and audio description for the blind and visually impaired. The seminar also addressed other forms of audio-visual translation, including subtitling for theatre (opera and musicals), voice-over, and live subtitling.

Songlines: The Ancient Secret to Our Planet’s Oldest Surviving Culture

On Monday, 25 March, at 10:50 a.m., the event “Songlines: The Ancient Secret to Our Planet’s Oldest Surviving Culture” will take place in Room SMT.09 (Santa Marta University Campus, Via Cantarane 24), featuring Joaquin Rudd and Fred Leone.

Joaquin Rudd, son of the Australian singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Xavier Rudd, shares his father’s passion for primitive music and atmospheres. Fred Leone belongs to the Garrwa and Butchulla tribes of Queensland, where he has been appointed as a Songman, the custodian of the linguistic and cultural traditions of Aboriginal peoples, which he conveys through musical practice. To ensure that the identity of the Garrwa and Butchulla tribes continues to be part of an international collective memory, Leone has transcribed and set to music the oral stories and songs of Aboriginal tribal ceremonies, incorporating their sounds and instrumentation.

The event, organized by Professors Chiara Battisti and Giovanni Tallarico, in collaboration with Professors Annalisa Pes and Susanna Zinato, will take the form of a dialogue with the artists and a live performance.

Participation will also be possible via Zoom at this link.

Contacts: Prof. Chiara Battisti and Prof. Giovanni Tallarico
Email: –

Fluid Boundaries, New Images? Contemporary Literature and Inclusion

On Monday, 18 March, at 3:30 p.m., the event “Fluid boundaries, new images? Contemporary literature and inclusion” will take place in the Co-working Room, as part of the initiatives of the PhD program in Foreign Languages and Literatures. The event will be led by Prof. Kay Wolfinger from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

Organized by Prof. Davide Di Maio from the department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, the event will explore the theme of inclusion in contemporary European literature and is part of the activities of the departmental Excellence Project Inclusive Humanities.

Contact person: Prof. Davide Di Maio

Diversität als theoretisches Konzept

On Wednesday, 20 March, starting at 10:15 a.m. in Room T.10, the event “Diversität als theoretisches Konzept. Wie erzählt die deutschsprachige Literatur der Gegenwart?” will be held, led by Prof. Kay Wolfinger from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

The event, organized by Prof. Davide Di Maio and Prof. Isolde Schiffermüller from the department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, will take place within the course “Österreichische Literatur”, taught by Prof. Schiffermüller.

Contact person: Prof. Davide Di Maio

Professors Elisa Sartor and Matteo De Beni at the Universidad de Oriente

Foto di gruppo di alcuni docenti dell'Università di Verona con colleghi dell'Universidad de Oriente

At the end of February, professors Elisa Sartor and Matteo De Beni were guests at the Universidad de Oriente, Julio Antonio Mella campus in Santiago de Cuba (Cuba) for an academic exchange.

On Tuesday, 20 February, Prof. Sartor delivered a lecture titled “Diccionarios históricos: del papel al entorno digital” (Historical Dictionaries: From Paper to the Digital Environment), while the following day, Prof. De Beni conducted the seminar “Estructura y fuentes del Nuevo diccionario histórico de la lengua española: estudios de casos” (Structure and Sources of the New Historical Dictionary of the Spanish Language: Case Studies). Both events saw active participation from the faculty of the Master’s in Language and Discourse Studies and the PhD in Linguistic and Literary Sciences (UO, Cuba), as well as students from the Letters and Spanish-Literature degree programs, researchers from the Faculty of Humanities, and professors from the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

The professors also had the opportunity to visit the university’s Centro de Lingüística Aplicada (Center for Applied Linguistics) in Santiago de Cuba.

Spring School: “Linguistic and Literary Facets: Paths of Diversity”

On 18-20 March, 2024, the Spring School titled “Linguistic and Literary Facets: Paths of Diversity” will take place, offering a full immersion into the life of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Verona. This event is designed for high school students in their final three years.

Using the metaphor of gemstones and their facets, the Spring School will provide students with an overview of the various approaches to learning and scientific research in foreign languages and literatures, helping them explore potential future university paths.

During the three-day event, the department will present its teaching and research paths across different foreign languages and literatures, while also highlighting other fields such as informatics, marketing, management, tourism, and digital humanities. A special focus will be placed on the publishing industry, job market, and accessibility, showcasing the services provided by the department and the university, including libraries, the internship office, the university’s language centre, and Erasmus and study abroad programs. The program will also feature testimonials from alumni and guided tours of the university’s facilities.

This event is funded by the Inclusive Humanities project and will take place on 18-20 March in Room T.6 of the Palazzo di Lingue (via San Francesco 22).

To register, fill out the following form. For more information, contact: