Month: October 2023

Festivabìlia Festival on 4-19 December

The first edition of “Festivabìlia: the theater of potential abilities” will be held from Monday, 4 December, to Tuesday, 19 December, at the Teatro Camploy (via Cantarane, 32 Verona) and the University of Verona. This theatre festival is organized by the university’s theatre company Teatro a Rotelle, in collaboration with the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures – University of Verona.

The first edition of Festivabìlia coincides with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which takes place on 3 December, and offers performances, discussions, and events to reflect on the body as a tool of communication with others. In the case of disabilities, the body challenges prejudices and calls for a conceptual, cultural, and social rethinking.

An initial event was held on Thursday, 23 November, with the preview presentation of Festivabìlia during the study day “Inclusion on Stage: Inclusive Theater Experiences in Comparison”.

  • The festival will open on 4 December at 8:30 p.m. at Teatro Camploy with the Emit Flesti company from Trento, performing “Con voce nuova, l’inferno di Dante” (With a New Voice, Dante’s Inferno).
  • The program continues on 6 December at 4:30 p.m. in room Smt.06 of the Polo Santa Marta with “Making Music in an Inclusive Way: All-in Rock – The Integrated Concert Told by the Organizers”.
  • On 11 December at 4 p.m., also at Santa Marta, there will be the presentation of the book Self Help, l’utopia dei matti – da invisibili a cittadini (Self Help, The Utopia of the Mad – From Invisible to Citizens) by psychiatrist Paolo Vanzini (Gabrielli Editore, 2022).
  • The festival continues on Wednesday, 13 December, at Teatro Camploy with the performance Triangoli (Triangles), a contemporary reinterpretation of Cyrano de Bergerac, staged by the Teatro a Rotelle group from the University of Verona.
  • On 18 December at 4 p.m. at Santa Marta, there will be a presentation of “I Fiori Blu: Musicateatro”, an interdisciplinary course in musical and theatrical training led by director Martina Palmieri.
  • The final event will be on 19 December at 8:30 p.m. at Camploy with the Gruppo Elettrogeno from Bologna performing Amuri (Love).

The festival, sponsored by the City of Verona and Esu of Verona, is part of the activities of the “Inclusive Humanities” Excellence Project of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, aimed at promoting inclusion in research and teaching to eliminate social, cultural, and economic disparities both within and outside the university.