Philology and Literary Studies

In the field of philology and literary studies, the project aims to study diversity through an interdisciplinary lens that encompasses literature, philology, and the performing arts. It follows analytical perspectives provided by cultural studies such as health, disability, accessibility, migration, and gender studies. Furthermore, the project seeks to create digital libraries, archives, and editions for both the academic community and the general public, adhering to the FAIR principles ( ) for scientific data publication and the accessibility guidelines ( ). The goal is to contribute to the development of virtuous and reusable models. Finally, special attention is given—both in terms of themes, scientific collaborations, and research dissemination—to marginalized groups, minority languages and cultures, world literature, and non-Western readerships.

The various project clusters focus on three main perspectives:

1. Diversity and Disability Studies;
2. Digital Resources, Digital Editions, and Accessibility;
3. Digital Engagement and Inclusion.

Accessing Ophelia
Accessing Ophelia

Our project aims at investigating the representation of cognitive disability in drama texts from the sixteenth century to today, with a focus on the reception of a few Shakespearean female characters: first and foremost, Ophelia, but also the Jailer’s Daughter in The Two Noble Kinsmen, Lady Macbeth and Cassandra. Historically, women have been discriminated against […]

L'inclusione nella rappresentazione teatrale con "Teatro a Rotelle"
Staging Inclusive performance with “Teatro a Rotelle” (Theatre on weels)

In the context of a comprehensive and wide meaning of inclusion – characterised by the valorisation of every kind of diversity -, theatre and the performing arts have received an increasing attention within the interdisciplinary fields of Disability studies (in particular, Disability Theatre) and Accessibility studies. The concept of “inclusive theatre” (“inclusive theatre-making” Di Giovanni […]

Includere la recensione online nello studio del valore letterario nell’era digitale
The inclusion of online reviewing in the study of literary value in the digital age

New phenomena such as digital social reading, instapoets, and the “rating culture” expressed in online reviews challenge traditional literary criticism in newspapers and journals. Millions of reviews on platforms such as Amazon or Goodreads are part of this culture of participation and a counterweight to professional criticism. At the same time, successful instapoets such as […]

«La culture n’est pas un privilège» : per un Archivio digitale del Teatro francese del Rinascimento (Digital Humanities Theatre)
«La culture n’est pas un privilège» : for a Digital Archive of French Renaissance Theatre (Digital Humanities Theatre)

The DHT project, which runs parallel to the important project of the Gruppo di Studio sul Cinquecento Francese, Théâtre français de la Renaissance (TFR) as well as the DUBI, DUBOE and Digital Pléiade projects, is based on the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) principles and on the need for accessibility of Renaissance French theatre […]

Accesso alle fonti musicali russe (XVIII sec. – inizio XIX sec.)
Access to Russian Music sources (18th-19th centuries)

The present-day knowledge of Russian music tradition from the 18th to the early 19th centuries, with respect to the operatic stage, still lacks systematic study, and this is due to two factors:  The traditional bias toward music produced in Russia before the life and activity of composer Mikhail I. Glinka (1804 – 1857), which was […]

Indicizzazione di giornali femminili francesi dell’Ottocento
Indexing of 19th century French women’s periodicals

The project intends to continue the indexing, already begun in the previous five years and aimed at creating a database, of an important French women’s journal of the nineteenth century, La Gazette des femmes. Journal poétique, littéraire, artistique, judiciaire et religieux… [1841-1847], kept at the Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris, and never digitized. The […]

Le iscrizioni in Trisde 51, come caso di studio di Sequential Writing (SequentialTrisde 51)
Inscriptions in Trisde 51 as a case study of Sequential Writing (SequentialTrisde 51)

From the beginning of the 13th century, a new book type appeared in German codicology, in which narrative texts were illustrated and the illustrations were accompanied by inscriptions, conceived as a summary of the action, character lines or comments by the narrator (mostly in close relation to the main poetic text). The milestone of this emerging […]

Diversità, inclusività e accessibilità delle edizioni scientifiche digitali
Diversity, Inclusivity and Accessibility in Digital Scholarly Editing

Diversity, Inclusivity, and Accessibility in Digital Scientific Editions (DIA-DSE) seeks to respond to some of the goals set forth in globally relevant strategic agendas and plans that point to the idea that a knowledge society such as the one in which we live should develop an open model of science. Our project will investigate a […]

Theoderic of Bern: literary routes for an inclusive tourism

Theodoric the Great (454-526), king of the Ostrogoths, was a historical figure that in cultural memory became Theodoric of Verona (Dietrich von Bern), that is one of the most popular epic-heroic legends within the Germanic literature (Haymes 2020; Wisniewski 1986). The association with Verona stems from Theoderic’s bond with the town, where traces of the […]

Pratiche di diffusione e divulgazione della/nella letteratura cinese
Practices of dissemination and popularisation of/in Chinese literature

The project aims to examine the textual practices that have shaped the historical and contemporary transmission, dissemination, and accessibility of/in Chinese literature in new contexts of reception from intra-cultural and intercultural perspectives.   The research follows three main axes. The first one focuses on the Chinese intra-cultural space and analyses the forms of mediation, genres and […]

CASSANDRA: Prophetic furor and female otherness

In the course of the research carried out as part of the Accessing Ophelia Project coordinated by Dr Emanuel Stelzer, the need emerged to study the character of Cassandra as a depiction of cognitive disability in Shakespeare’s receptions of Troilus and Cressida in a new project that expands its boundaries across narrative, dramatic, and poetic […]

Can Literary Reading Empower Young People?

The project endeavours to contribute to research and practice that increase our capacity for literature’s more conscious application to mitigating social challenges and promoting social inclusion. It aims to add a further perspective to understanding if and how literary reading can support disadvantaged sectors of society, leading to improved life satisfaction and wellbeing, and ultimately […]

Disability (accessible) Narratives

The research project connects the critical approaches of disability studies and health humanities and focuses on the narrative, cultural and discursive aspect of the concept of disability. In particular the project will develop along two main lines of investigation: Alzheimer’s and cognitive disability narratives, and dis-abiliy narratives in children’s and young adult’s narratives.     – […]

Using Literary Texts in Medical Training Courses: An Approach from a Narrative Medicine Perspective

Title: Using Literary Texts in Medical Training Courses: An Approach from a Narrative Medicine Perspective  Abstract:   This project aims to develop an innovative research pathway to identify a corpus of literary texts that can be used in medical/healthcare training courses to develop empathy and clinical acumen among medical students and medical and healthcare staff. Narrative […]

Representations of Otherness, Diversity, and Marginality in Contemporary European and Non-European Literatures

Phenomena of social inequality and cultural exclusion, as well as forms of restrictions to the citizenship status and the consequent populist drifts deprived of any real political and cultural orientation, are effects of the complex power dynamics that, in this age of ours marked by an ever-increasing mobility, are exercised by global capitalism on the […]

Glocal Fiction in the 16th Century: Renaissance Novels from Local Shelves to Global Accessibility

The project aims to enhance the Digital Library of the “Progetto Mambrino”, a project that includes the publication of novels of Spanish origin produced in Venice in the mid-sixteenth century (1554-1568), with a focus on accessibility, interoperability and reutilization of the data. The key objectives are: Circulation of digitized images in IIIF format; Accessibility of […]