The eleventh episode of Inclusioni, the podcast channel of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures in collaboration with Fuori Aula Network, is now available on major podcast platforms. What is translinguism? What is the relationship between identity, literature, and language in light of migratory phenomena?
In conversation with Massimo Salgaro, we will explore these topics with Michele Vangi, a professor of German literature at Roma Tre University, while exploring the experiences of authors from Eastern Europe who have chosen to write in German.
We will understand how inclusion is a process that can paradoxically give rise to new forms of prejudice, preventing us from seeing the complexity of the individual, who can never be placed into a predefined category.
Professor Vangi is the author of “Transgermania. Il superamento del monolinguismo nella letteratura tedesca contemporanea“, an open access book that analyzes the literary implications of plurilinguism and “plural” cultural identity, a long-standing phenomenon in German society.
Happy listening, or rather Gutes Zuhören!