Enrolment Open for the ISL (Italian Sign Language) Introductory Workshop

Registrations are now officially open for the “Laboratorio di avviamento alla LIS – Lingua dei Segni Italiana”, organized by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures as part of the Excellence Project Inclusive Humanities: Perspectives for Development in Research and Teaching of Foreign Languages and Literatures (2023-2027).

The workshop offers students the opportunity to gain a foundational understanding of issues related to interaction and communication with deaf individuals, with particular attention to linguistic, social, and cultural aspects.

Upon attending at least 70% of the activities and passing the final exam, participants will receive 3 CFU:

– Type D for all Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in the Languages area;

– Type D or F only for the Master’s Degree in Linguistics (LM39) at the Department of Cultures and Civilizations – University of Verona.

For the calendar and more information, visit this link.

To enrol, please fill out the registration form. Registrations are open until Thursday, 4 April.

Contact person: Prof. Manuel Boschiero
Email: manuel.boschiero@univr.it