On 22-24 May, the International Conference “Diversity, Accessibility, Inclusion in the Digital text and Cultural Heritage: Challenges and Perspectives”, organized by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures of the University of Verona with the support of the DAIH centre (Digital Arena for Inclusive Humanities, www.daih.eu) took place.
The conference, held in English, was attended by national and international experts on the topics of inclusion, diversity and accessibility. Challenges related to inclusion and accessibility of digital resources have become particularly relevant with technological development and the emergence of an increasingly pervasive digital paradigm in the cultural sphere. The promotion of diversity, inclusion and accessibility have thus gained more and more space in international policies, including in the publishing sphere (European Accessibility Act), and today the need to promote participation and equity in the production and dissemination of knowledge is a key issue.
The conference therefore aimed to facilitate debate and discussion on the issues in question, drawing attention to experiences, best practices, critical issues and new perspectives, as well as potential solutions that can help overcome the digital divide and promote accessibility of primary sources.