Understanding LIS (Italian sign language) and deafness: an introductory course

Registrations are now open for “Understanding LIS (Italian sign language) and deafness: an introductory course”, an advanced and professional development course organized by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. It is open to all those who work with deaf individuals or want to acquire some basic knowledge about deafness and sign language for personal or professional reasons.
The seminar will allow participants to acquire:

  • basic theoretical and practical competence in the Italian sign language (LIS),
  • key knowledge about communicative strategies while interacting with deaf individuals,
  • important information about tactile Italian sign language (LIST) and deafblindness.

The traning will also include the knowledge of some important features of Deaf culture and of some key pedagogical-educational needs of deaf students, beginning with the analysis of their familiar and linguistic background.

The course will last three months, from march to may 2025, and will be in a face-to-face modality. During the sessions, the participants will practice both production and comprehension skills. Registration is open until February 18, 2025, and more details can be found here. A video-presentation of the course with LIS translation is available below.