1st International Conference “Audiovisual Accessibility and Inclusion in Higher Education

On 13-14 June, 2024, the 1st International Conference “Audiovisual Accessibility and Inclusion in Higher Education” will take place at Classroom T.3 of the Polo Zanotto (Viale Università, 4 – 37129 Verona).

This event, promoted by the Department of Languages and Foreign Literatures, aims to discuss and reflect on strategies that facilitate access to audiovisual content for deaf and blind individuals. It will foster productive dialogue among faculty, researchers, students, and professionals (such as sign language interpreters and accessible theatre practitioners). The debates arising during the conference will contribute to the creation of a series of evaluation questionnaires regarding the current state of access to such materials for deaf and blind individuals.

The conference will be divided into several sessions and is organized by: Rosa Maria Rodriguez Abella, Spanish Language Professor in the the Department of Languages and Foreign Literatures at the University of Verona, Juan Pedro Rica Peromingo, English Language Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, Luisa Chierichetti, Spanish Language Professor at the University of Bergamo, Maria Cristina Secci, Spanish Language Professor at the University of Cagliari.

Other participants include the City of Verona, the Oltre Magy’s association, the Inclusion Unit of the University of Verona, Inmediazione, the deaf community, and LIS interpretation services.