On Wednesday, 26 June, the conference “Afrikas Wortergreifung auf Deutsch! Zur deutschsprachigen Literatur afrikanischer MigrantenautorInnen in Europa. Ein Beitrag zum Glokalisierungsdiskurs” given by Prof. Lacina Yéo, Associate Professor of German and Global Studies at Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny Abidjan-Cocody (Ivory Coast).
The lecture, which explored some of the phenomena of glocalization, dialogue between Africa and Europe, and German-language literature of African migrant authors in Europe, brought insights and encounters on the topics of the role of African Germanistics in cultural transfers between Africa and Europe and culture and sustainable development in German-African literary relations.
The lecturer’s visit is part of a strategic line promoted by the Inclusive Humanities Excellence Project and is funded by the MoCoSvi – Mobility for International Development Cooperation project of the University of Verona. Yéo will be a guest for a period of 3 months with the aim of promoting a scientific and educational exchange between the two partner universities. Thanks to Prof. Yéo, it was also possible to sign an agreement between the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and his department in Abidijan for purposes related to the Project of Excellence.