The DHT project, which runs parallel to the important project of the Gruppo di Studio sul Cinquecento Francese, Théâtre français de la Renaissance (TFR) as well as the DUBI, DUBOE and Digital Pléiade projects, is based on the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) principles and on the need for accessibility of Renaissance French theatre texts, often preserved in rare editions or manuscripts. The project will focus on the preservation, enhancement and accessibility of the French theatre heritage of the 16th century through the digitisation of ancient editions and documents.
The main objectives include the establishment of a digital archive, in connection with other archives or libraries (GLAM); the creation of digital scholarly editions, which will join the paper editions of the TFR series; the transcription of documents using digital tools for automatic character recognition (OCR); the organisation of training seminars, doctoral courses and conferences on the project topics. The research group also envisages a continuous and fruitful collaboration with international and interdisciplinary teams of specialists in 16th century French theatre (France, Canada, USA) making use of digital humanities such as MELPONUM, an ANR project directed by Nina Hugot, and the digital manuscript and archive publishing platform EMAN-Tragiques inventions directed by Anne-Réach-Ngô. EMAN has created a scientific community that is new scientific community in the panorama of digital projects formed by an international team of researchers, PhD students, librarians and computer scientists.
The study of this substantial theatrical corpus, which includes authors such as Antoine de Montchrestien, Jean de Virey and Jean Heudon, will both shed light on the intertwining of different cultures and peoples between the 16th and 17th centuries, and will fill an important research gap. As a matter of fact, since digital projects exclusively dedicated to French Renaissance theatre are still underdeveloped, the digital archive will provide digital editions, unpublished and rare documents and fulfil the function of accessibility, preservation and transmission of cultural heritage within a European and international framework.
The project is also part of the broader research activity of the Gruppo di Studio sul Cinquecento Francese dedicated to sources, genetic and intertextual studies, with a focus on the digital processing of editions of French Renaissance texts in the context of the migration of models from the Ancient world and Renaissance Italy into French and European culture. All the texts considered represent a fundamental 16th-century evidence of the knowledge of the time, acting as a hinge between the various and widespread forms of theatrical discourse in the field of the Renaissance thought, including all its different genres and texts).
The ultimate goal of the project is the creation of an open access digital archive containing diplomatic and digital editions of the selected works, accompanied by a critical apparatus and commentary footnotes, as well as related documentary material linked to Renaissance dramatic texts.
The project aims to develop three main research axes: literary, social and digital.
Group leader: Rosanna Gorris Camos (Full Professor)
Internal members:
- Valeria Averoldi (RTT)
- Riccardo Benedettini (Associate Professor)
- Giampaolo Caliari (Doctor of French Literature)
- Maria Grazia Dalai (Doctor of French Literature)
- Vera Gajiu (Post doctoral researcher)
- Luca Elfo Jaccond (PhD student)
- Anderson Magalhães (Fellowship DHT)
- Paola Martinuzzi (Fellowship BVTTR)
External members:
- Anna Bettoni (Padova, Full Professor)
- Emmanuel Buron (Paris, Full Professor)
- Maurizio Busca (Vercelli, Researcher)
- Magda Campanini (Venezia, Associate Professor)
- Concetta Cavallini (Bari, Full Professor)
- Dario Cecchetti (Torino, Full Professor)
- Patrizia De Capitani (Grenoble, Full Professor)
- Giovanna Devincenzo (Bari, Associate Professor)
- Filippo Fassina (Vercelli, Researcher)
- Véronique Ferrer (Paris Nanterre, Full Professor)
- Louise Frappier (Ottawa, Associate Professor)
- Mélanie Fruitier (Université Littoral Côte d’Opale, Researcher and Professor with a temporary appointment)
- Nina Hugot (Metz, Associate Professor)
- Michele Mastroianni (Vercelli, Full Professor)
- Michael Meere (Connecticut, Associate Professor)
- Bruno Petey-Girard (Paris-Est Créteil, Full Professor)
- Laura Rescia (Torino, Full Professor)
- Daniele Speziari (Ferrara, Associate Professor)
- Sonia Solfrini (PhD student)
- Jean-Claude Ternaux (Avignon, Full Professor)
- Domitille Tirel-Coudert (Université de Bourgogne, PhD student)
Actions: WP 1.1; WP 1.3
The collection «Théâtre français de la Renaissance» directed by Rosanna Gorris Camos, Florence, Olschki, 1986-2023, voll. I-XX :
Les Muses sacrées. Poésie et théâtre de la Réforme entre France et Italie, sous la direction de Véronique Ferrer et Rosanna Gorris Camos, Genève, Droz, 2016.
Le texte en scène. Littérature, théâtre et théâtralité à la Renaissance, sous la direction de Concetta Cavallini et Philippe Desan, Paris, Garnier, 2016.
La Tragédie sainte en France (1550-1610). Problématiques d’un genre, sous la direction de Michele Mastroianni, Paris, Garnier, 2018..
Dramaturgies vagabondes, migrations romanesques. Croisements entre théâtre et roman (XVIe-XVIIe siècles), sous la direction de Magda Campanini, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2018.
Michael MEERE, Onstage Violence in Sixteenth-Century French Tragedy. Performance, Ethics, Poetics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021.